
Find out more about Flink Forward,
Apache Flink® and Ververica

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Flink Forward is the streaming data event for the future, bringing communities together to learn, network, and share experiences and best practices in stream processing, real time analytics, event-driven applications, AI and real-time intelligence,  and the management of mission-critical Flink deployments in production.

It’s the ultimate gathering for streaming data professionals, showcasing groundbreaking insights from global tech leaders solving modern challenges with Apache Flink®, while remaining intimate enough for meaningful one-on-one connections with the top data streaming experts.

Are you ready to explore the latest in real-time intelligence, AI-driven applications, and streaming-first architectures to power the next generation of data-driven innovation?

In collaboration with

Alibaba Cloud Logo
AWS Logo
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Google Cloud Logo
Llyft Logo
Dell EMC Logo
Comcast Logo
Yelp Logo
Nussknackeer Logo
Delta Stream Logo
Hopsworks Logo
Cloudera Logo
Hazelcast Logo
Streamnative Logo
Decodable Logo
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Apache Flink® is an open source stream processing framework for real-time analytics and real-time applications.

It provides efficient, fast, accurate, and fault tolerant handling of massive streams of events. Apache Flink® also supports batch processing as a special case of stream processing.

Ververica engineers wrote the first lines of code of what would later become Apache Flink®. As members of the open source community, the team at Ververica is 100% dedicated to our work in further developing Apache Flink®, so it continues to be the most powerful and modern stream processor available. 


Ververica enables its customers to unlock the value of their data. Ververica’s comprehensive streaming data platform supports a wide range of deployment options from a fully-managed, cloud-native service (Ververica Cloud) to on-premise software (Ververica Platform). Founded by the original creators of open-source Apache Flink®, Ververica has the experience and knowledge to continue leading the innovation of streaming data technologies.

This leadership is demonstrated through contributions to open-source software projects, an extensive streaming data learning environment (Ververica Academy), and leading the Apache Flink and streaming data conference, Flink Forward. Discover more at www.ververica.com.

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next Flink Forward conference?

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