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Berlin 2019
Program committee


About the Program Committee

Our program committee take responsibility for planning and shaping the program of Flink Forward. They make sure to rate talks in different dimensions to create a balanced program including deeply technical talks and high-level use cases. Diversity is also a crucial aspect for the program committee - they strive to improve and support the presence of underrepresented groups at the conference.


Program committee

Fabian Hueske Co-founder, Software Engineer Ververica
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Fabian is a committer and PMC member of the Apache Flink® project and has been contributing to Flink since its earliest days. Fabian is a co-founder of Ververica, a Berlin-based startup devoted to fostering Flink, where he works as a software engineer and contributes to Apache Flink®. He holds a PhD in computer science from TU Berlin and is currently writing a book about “Stream Processing with Apache Flink®”.

Jesse Anderson Managing Director Big Data Institute
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Jesse Anderson is a Data Engineer, Creative Engineer and Managing Director of Big Data Institute.

He works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies on Big Data. This includes training on cutting edge technologies like Apache Kafka, Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. He has taught over 30,000 people the skills to become data engineers.

He is widely regarded as an expert in the field and for his novel teaching practices. Jesse is published on O’Reilly and Pragmatic Programmers. He has been covered in prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal, CNN, BBC, NPR, Engadget, and Wired.

Shriya Arora Senior Data Engineer Netflix
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Shriya works on the Data engineering team for Personalization. Which, among other things, delivers recommendations made for each user. The team is responsible for the data that goes into training and scoring of the various machine learning models that power the Netflix homepage. They have been working on moving some of our core datasets from being processed in a once-a-day daily batch ETL to being processed in near-real time using Apache Flink. Before Netflix, she was at Walmart Labs, where she helped build and architect the new generation item-setup, moving from batch processing to stream. They used Storm-Kafka to enable a micro-services architecture that can allow for products to be updated near real-time as opposed to once-a-day update on the legacy framework.

Trevor Grant Open Source / AI / Buzzwords IBM
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Trevor is a Member / PMC / Committer around the Apache Software Foundation. He does Open Source stuff, and sometimes math, and he's slowly writing a book which you should pre-order on the off chance it's ever complete.

Vasia Kalavri Postdoctoral Fellow ETH Zürich
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Vasiliki (Vasia) Kalavri is a postdoctoral fellow at the Systems Group, ETH Zurich, working on distributed stream processing and large-scale graph analytics. She has a joint PhD degree from KTH, Stockholm, and UCLouvain, Belgium. Her PhD thesis received the IBM Innovation Award 2017. Vasia is a committer and PMC member of Apache Flink and a co-author of “Stream Processing with Apache Flink”.

Adam Kawa CEO GetInData
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Adam became a fan of Big Data after implementing his first Hadoop job in 2010. Since then he has been working with Big Data at Spotify (where he had proudly operated one of the largest and fastest-growing Hadoop clusters in Europe), Truecaller and as a Cloudera Training Partner. Four years ago, he co-founded GetInData – a company that helps its customers to become data-driven and builds custom Big Data solutions. Adam is also co-organizer of the Big Data Tech Warsaw conference and a frequent speaker at major Big Data conferences and meetups.

Robert Metzger Co-founder, Engineering Lead Ververica
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Robert Metzger is a PMC member of the Apache Flink project and a co-founder and an engineering lead at Ververica (formerly data Artisans). He is the author of many Flink components including the Kafka and YARN connectors. Robert studied Computer Science at TU Berlin and worked at IBM Germany and at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose. He is a frequent speaker at conferences such as the Hadoop Summit, ApacheCon and meetups around the world.

Rong Rong Senior Software Engineer Uber
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Rong is a senior software engineer from the streaming processing platform team at Uber. He is experienced in building stream processing & data analytics platform. Rong has been actively contributing to Apache Flink & Apache Calcite in the past 2 years and also very actively contributing on Flink's user/dev mailing list.

Thomas Weise Software Engineer Streaming Platform Lyft
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Thomas is a software engineer at Lyft working on its streaming platform. He is also a committer and PMC member of Apache Flink, Apex, and Beam and frequently speaks about Lyft's streaming use cases.

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