Submissions accepted until 31st May 2024
Speaking at Flink Forward Berlin 2024 is a great way to connect with your peers, become involved in the streaming data community, and to share your story of the future of streaming, and real-time data. Talks should be informative, interesting, educational, and thought-provoking. If you’re talking about a product then please do more than just pitch it
Developing Real-Time Applications
All things related to building applications with streaming technologies, including development practices, testing, scaling, and more.
Streaming Technologies
Anything streaming, from introductory talks to technical deep dives.
What tools and processes do you or your business use alongside a Flink deployment? Share integrations and connectors you are using to create unique architectures and solve surprising use cases.
Solution Stories (use cases / case studies)
How do you use data streaming in your business? Why did you adopt it? What problems does it solve (or create)? What lessons did you learn that might help others on a similar journey?
Operations and Observability
SREs, share your successes, learning opportunities, and experience with operating a streaming pipeline or streaming technologies, both in the cloud and on-premises.
Real-time Analytics
What use cases does a real-time dashboard serve? How are you building dashboards? Do you even need to capture data in real-time for analytics?
Pipelines Done Right
Streaming ETL, Batch Pipelines, or something in between!
Nerding Out!
Do you have a random idea or side hobby that is SUPER interesting but might have little to do with traditional event streaming? Perhaps you have a novel way of using Flink outside the normal applications? Or just an entertaining talk about the nuances of git or AI…if it’s fun and shareable, submit!
Academia and Beyond
Do you have a history lesson or theory to share that includes data streaming? Or do you use real-time data applications in your academic studies? Submit your talk for consideration!
Submit your ideas, perspectives, and thought-provoking discussions that will ensure attendees have both a good time and send them home better-informed and more capable than they came. Stand out by submitting relevant, creative, entertaining and engaging new proposals. Have a lot of ideas? We’re looking forward to seeing them all! Please submit a separate entry for each topic.
Here are some sample talk titles to demonstrate what we’re looking for:
- Riding the Streams: Powering Stream Processing at Cash App with Ververica
- Flink on Autopilot: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Autoscaling
- Storm to Flink: Migrating Latency Sensitive Real-Time Streaming Applications with Zero Downtime
- Real-Time Metrics Platform leveraging Flink SQL At DoorDash
- Debezium Snapshots Revisited!
- Kubernetes-like Reconciliation Protocol for Managed Flink Services
- Real-Time Machine Learning at Scale with Flink at Lyft
- Flink’s Pluggable Failure Handling: deal with streaming errors the smart way!
- Apache Flink + Paimon: CDC data into the lake in near real-time
- Consistently Hashing it Out: Embracing Fresher, Faster Data with the Hudi-Flink Support for the Bucket Index
Need more ideas?
Access on-demand recordings from Flink Forward Seattle 2023
Why speak at Flink Forward?
- Admiration and adulation of your peers
- Free admission to the conference
- Invitation to the Speaker Welcome Dinner and special Speaker swag
- Recognition on the Flink Forward website with your headshot and bio
- Social media recognition and assets
- Global Flink Community Exposure: Showcase your work to an international audience of Flink developers, data engineers, and industry leaders
- The talk will be recorded and made available afterwards
Key submission fields to prepare:
- Session title (100 chars max)
- Session description (2,000 chars max)
- Speaker bio (1,000 chars max)
Important dates:
- Call for Papers opens: 08 Apr 2024 12:00 am (UTC+2)
- Call for Papers closes: 17 May 2024 11:59 pm (UTC+2)
- Speaker Notifications sent: 31 May 2024 (estimated)
Dates are subject to change.